The mouth watering treat! Everybody focus!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Morning Ritual

Welcome to my blog. My business is Stop! Doggie Time! and I am a dog walker/pet sitter. I am also a dog trainer and soon to be a dog groomer. A little much? Never! I wanted to start a blog to share stories that are created with my doggie clients. I hope they will have you saying... Yeah I know that, yep been there! With being around dogs mostly 24/7 of my life, I hope to also be able to share information that I learn and different things that will help you with your four legged kid. Here which I am sure a lot of you are familiar with the Morning Ritual....

It is Sunday morning and for anyone who has had a busy work week and up at 5am everyday, one likes to be able to sleep in past 5 on weekends. For a dog they are unable to tell time. (Proof of that is when we change the clocks twice a year, they are early and then late by an hour!)Once that little bit of sunshine peaks through the blinds, its time to get up and go! First you hear them shake which will ring their dog tags. Then through your eyelids, you can feel them stare at you like you are the only one in the world at that moment. If you try not to acknowledge them at first, you will then feel 30lbs of dog sitting on your chest and their tail going a mile a minute. You dare to open your eyes, (cause once you have made eye contact, its all over) but if you do, his nose is inches from yours and then you cant help but to laugh. You look at the clock, it is 5:30 am and your day has now started. Out to pee, in to eat and then before you know it, here at 6 am you are wide awake sitting there and you look over and your dog is taking a nap, really? Guess I will start laundry!

                                               I don't ask for much.....

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